About the Journal

RBGN (Revista Brasileira de Gestão de Negócios) is a free of charge open access quarterly academic publication issued by FECAP (Fundação Escola de Comércio Álvares Penteado). The Journal emerged in 2004 as the successor of the Álvares Penteado Review. 

The journal is aimed at the dissemination and promotion of scientific debate in Business Administration and Accounting, and its mission:

To spread high-level academic studies and research on Management and Accounting that can contribute to the improvement of management within organizations.

From 2013 to 2022, the journal was bilingual, with publications in English or Portuguese, and from the first edition of 2023, the RBGN will publish only in English, complying with the rules of the indexers.

We are indexed by databases and directories recognized by the national and international scientific community.

  • Key Metrics (2023): Web of Science (JCR IF 0.7); Scopus (Citescore 2.1); CAPES (Qualis A2); ABS 1 (2024)

  • Indexers: 

From 2013 to 2022, the journal was bilingual, with publications in English and Portuguese ou Spanish, and from the first edition of 2023, the RBGN start publish only in English, complying with the rules of the indexers.

All accepted articles in Portuguese and Spanish are translated and published in English and the original language of the submission.

ISSN On-Line: 1983-0807 / ISSN Print: 1806-4892